
Thoughts on Photo-a-day

Questions from this project come to mind. Is this a photo journal? Photo journalism? Have I found my calling as a slightly obsessive photographer who may or may not take a dozen photos to have just the right one for the day's blog post?

I've said before that as an artist, my philosophy is that art is a reflection of God's creative glory back to Him.

I've been at this for several months now, and taking a photo every day (more or less) has shown me, more than I realized before, that beauty is all around us. Yes, it's cliche and not at all surprising. But I've found that purposefully looking for that scene in my everyday life that captures art in the ordinary has brought me to a new realization of my Creator's heart for beauty. He's the source of it, after all.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1


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