
July 29

I didn't take this photo today; the original photo was taken about three years ago. I'm posting it, however, in shameless promotion of my Etsy shop. Take a look! Fine art (really mostly oil & acrylic with the occasional drawing), photography, and design....and commissions. :)


July 28

Black-eyed-susans in our front garden. I do try to limit the flower pictures but this one turned out so nice & sunny.... And with sharper detail and nicer lens blur than most of these photos, because I took this with the "good" camera instead of the one I carry around in my purse/pocket.


July 27

My feet aren't small per se, but definitely in comparison to these!


July 26

One of my new favorite photos. I'm really pleased with how the photoshop effects turned out, and learned something new in the process! Taken on a bike ride with my brother.

My favorite design element: line.

July 25

We tried to have a fire for hot dogs & 'smores & a general fun evening perfectly complimented by this sunset. While the boy(s) had a great fire going, we didn't count on the strong winds accompanying these pretty clouds, and so had to douse the fire.

Since plan B was plan A in the rain and this doesn't really work when an outside fire is involved, we settled on plan C - grilled hot dogs, The Blind Side, and a 7-layer brownie dessert.


July 24

From our garden....giant mutant tomato!


July 23

Sadly, my roses didn't survive the summer heat and drought that was due partly to a lack of rain and partly to neglect... However, these interesting little blue flowers are blooming well. I don't know their name but I love the deep blue blossoms and the red and green foliage.

July 22

The view from the market building at lunch with my brother.

July 21

This photo wasn't taken today, but I liked it too much to pass up. The underpass was huge! And really loud, it sounded like construction started right as we biked under it.

July 20

A beautiful horizon....minus the annoying speed limit sign.

July 15

We've seen so many little frogs around the region, some so small they look like bugs hopping through the brush.

July 8

A very rainy, greenish day.

July 4

Beautiful colors of fireworks after a very colorful evening painting hundreds of kids' faces!


July 3

Your turn to guess what this is.


July 2

An interesting plant my brother spotted on a walk in the park.

July 1

A slightly rickety bridge on our 11 mile bike ride. (Which was a lot for me!) It took us through urban and rural scenery and was a great time in the outdoors!


June 30

Shiny. (KJV with a bookmark in Proverbs)