
September 20

Construction... it's everywhere!

September 18

Art shows are so much fun, outside ones even more so! This particular artist's unique method, fascinatingly, did not involve brushes, but included paper towels, a blow dryer, and rinsing paint from the canvas in a bathtub.

September 17

View from a soccer field. Spectacular sunsets are one thing I truly love about this area.


September 16

On assignment taking soccer photos.


September 14

The clouds around here are very interesting. The germs floating around are not. :(


September 9

The dorm power went out for about 3 hours. So I went outside to read. And in spite of - or maybe because of - no electricity and no internet, I found that a good book + early fall weather + cool clouds = a great afternoon.


September 8

No photoshopping today, just the beauty of nature on the roadside... The dust from the road made all the leaves look pale, in contrast to these brilliant blooms. Taken while on yearbook assignment to photograph lacrosse tryouts.


September 7

Mongo-mantis! This thing was huge! It posed for the picture then turned and watched us as we walked past...

September 6

Fall is coming.


September 5

What it looks like above my bed. The spare bunk is great for storing paintings, large tablets, and massive sheets of matboard.

September 4

Bob Ross was here!


September 2

Pondering mortality and God's sovereignty while watching the sun set.

"The LORD Almighty has sworn, 'Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.'"
Isaiah 14:24

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11


September 1

Blue-tailed skink on the red brick wall.