
May 30

Moonlight through my window.

The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon.

Psalm 74:16

May 29

I had a very yummy wild berry smoothie at Caribou Coffee. At first glance, I thought this might have been a fairly decent sweet treat, til I "customized my drink" to reflect my large with whipped cream...


May 28

We saw what looked like a blackberry tree that had dropped berries all over the ground... a veritable chipmunk feast. Turns out this was probably a mulberry tree.


May 27

A nosy neighbor


May 26

36th floor clouds.

May 24

A small statue on top of a fountain

May 23

Rose blossom in Grandma's garden


May 22

God's voice thunders in marvelous ways;
He does great things beyond our understanding.

He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,'
And to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'

So that all men he has made may know his work,
He stops every man from his labor.

Job 37:5-7


May 21

Dramatic, high contrast photos are my favorite. This is ice melting in the sink.


May 20

These flowers are small; each bloom is only about half an inch across. I love the graceful shapes of the flowers in their various stages of opening and have used Allium moly in art in the past.

May 19

I took this photo yesterday (the 19th) with every intent of posting it on the right day, but alas, cookouts with friends home for the summer took precedence over updating my blog. This is the doorframe between my room and bathroom... the colors look much more exciting in the photo than they do in real life.


May 18

Sparkles! I own this, it's a butterfly, and it's on my wall... I do like some girly things.


May 17

Our backyard (and parts of our neighbors' yards) was very verdant today.


May 16

Dad's books.


May 15

Ronin, big and beautiful.

An old photo

I don't remember where I took this photo. I suppose I could find out, but that would require looking back through thousands and thousands of photos to find the original and figure out the context from surrounding photographs. Until such a desire and the required free time increase, I'm just going to enjoy this edited version. As you may have noticed from the high percentage of nature photos in the last month, I don't usually do architecture, and bold primary colors aren't really my style. But I find this photo is striking and visually interesting for some reason I couldn't explain, beyond perhaps its clear focal point.

Catch up!

As the casual observer may notice, I've missed several days of photos here in the last week. I owe this to the complete and utter lack of routine in my life since completing my last few days of finals and moving out of my dorm and back home. So, to make up for the missing photos from the last few days, I'll post some things that weren't necessarily taken recently but I think are interesting.

These are photos I took four years ago for a research project. It was categorized as a physics project, which is ironic, since I never have taken a physics course. The pictures were taken with a microscope and are of different sizes of glass microbeads; the smallest size looks like a super fine white powder (handled with care so as not to be inhaled), while the largest size is big enough to use for crafts. See May 9 for one way I've used these outside of research.


May 10

You know it's finals week when....you eat veggie ritz and what's left of the peanut butter and nutella (all together) as you write the final art analysis paper. It's actually not bad, contrary to how it might look. On my pretty $1 plate - yay thrift store!


May 9

A texture/collage project based on Georgia O'Keeffe's painting of a waterfall.

This was pretty fun, I used a lot of different fabrics, as well as layers of masking tape and newspaper and tissue paper. And lots and lots of hot glue. My favorite part of this is the bottom of the waterfall; it's not visible in this picture but the white parts are covered in a layer of glass microbeads left over from a science fair project.


May 8

Ceiling fan at the coffee shop.


May 7

I'm not usually out and about at 7 in the morning. Today was an exception, and I happened to spot this hot air balloon on the horizon surveying the lay of the land in the early morning light.


May 6

I spent a lot of time waiting for busses today. About an hour, going to and from north campus (but I'm not really complaining, it was a nice break from my digital painting). Apparently there are very few busses that run on studying days. But, I found cool stuff while waiting, like this star-like seed pod.


May 5

The closest to the sunset I saw tonight; I'm living in the computer lab these last few days before finals. My car was not in motion when I took this photograph.


May 4

It's a beautiful day today.


May 3

These are all flowers & plants from the courtyard. I'm trying to avoid posting too many flower pics...but I think this at least makes it more interesting. I've never tried this kind of collage on Photoshop, and I'm happy with how it came out. Maybe I'll try for something more complex next time.


May 2

The neighbor's flowers, several beautiful bushes of peonies. They make me think of giant roses, though this picture doesn't really look anything like a rose.


May 1

My guitar. It's not actually that color, but it made the photo look cooler. It's a fairly plain, standard beginner Fender. But I like it. I've been tempted to paint it. My real goal, though, is to play it! I've never gotten past a basic ability to play basic chords...but one day, I want to be able to play real songs on it.

April 30